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Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

Academy Genius Swordsman, Academy's Genius Swordsman, 아카데미의 천재칼잡이
Academy’s Genius Swordmaster Color
Followed by 11 people

Ronan lived a wasteful life filled with regrets. A second chance befalls him at the end of his futile life. He went back to the time when he was a ten-year-old child! For the people who sacrificed themselves for him, he becomes determined to live a new life.Original Webtoon:Naver Webtoon, Naver Series Academy’s Genius Swordmaster

AuthorSeok Wando Sichi [Add, ]
SerializationNaver Webtoon (Naver)Naver Series (Naver)
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Since we have new hosting on our site and we are uploading images to different places, we are trying to present the site to you faster. That's why the episodes will be a little delayed. When the work on the site is completed, we will upload new chapters and new manga at full speed.
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